Welcoming Kenyan and Tunisian delegations to Mainz
On 4th July, Landbell Group welcomed a delegation from Kenya to its headquarters in Mainz, Germany. The delegation consisted of representatives from Kenya’s national authorities, e-waste recycling industry and universities, as well as local representatives from the German development agency (GIZ).
The visit, which was organised at GIZ’s request, explored the management of e-waste and batteries in Europe – and gave all participants the opportunity to share their knowledge and discuss best practice.
The meeting started with an introduction on the principles of extended producer responsibility (EPR) by Dr Thomas Fischer, Head of Market Intelligence and Governmental Affairs at Landbell Group.
Kingsly Akamewane, Global Supply Chain Manager, then talked about the management of e-waste and batteries in Europe, covering areas such as treatment, recycling and recovery processes, and the education and training of personnel.
Kingsly was followed by Christophe Pautrat, Chief Operating Officer for Africa, Asia and Latin America, who presented Landbell Group’s activities in the Africa region.
On 17th July, Thomas and Christophe also welcomed the TouMaLi delegation from Tunisia to Mainz. The visit was part of a week-long study trip that took the delegation to the various German partners of the project. For more information on TouMaLi, please see article here.
Thomas and Christophe presented how EPR works in general and how it specifically works in Germany for packaging waste. They were also joined by Siddharth Bagri, Head of Recycling, who explained how collection, sorting and treatment operations are conducted for waste packaging in Germany.
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