Landbell Group joins Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty
In June, Landbell Group joined the Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty.
The Business Coalition, convened by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and WWF International, brings together 120+ organizations, such as producers of plastics materials, global brands and waste management companies from across the plastics value chain, as well as financial institutions and NGOs to call for and support the development of an ambitious and effective global treaty to end plastic pollution.
Their joint vision is a circular economy in which plastic never becomes pollution, and the value of products and materials is retained in the economy. To achieve this vision of a circular economy for plastics, the Business Coalition promotes progress in three critical areas: reduction, circulation, and prevention and remediation.
“Landbell Group believes that a UN Plastics Treaty will help accelerate the transition to the circular economy, which will ultimately eliminate plastic pollution,” said Jan Patrick Schulz, CEO of Landbell Group.
“We joined the Business Coalition as we believe we can significantly contribute with our practical experience in managing the collection and treatment of multiple waste streams containing plastics. Our activities will play an essential role in achieving the vision as they keep keep plastics in the economy and out of the environment.”
Landbell Group will contribute to the mission in areas, such as:
- Supporting producers to design and produce products reducing the use of plastics and enabling recycling in practice and at scale
- Promoting policies that will ensure the implementation of EPR globally as a mechanism to ensure dedicated, ongoing and sufficient funding, and strengthening waste management governance and the infrastructure for eliminating waste
- Increasing consumer awareness of their role in preventing plastic pollution and contributing to proper waste management starting with collection, and
- Cooperating with waste management companies to increase the volume and quality of recycled plastics
Find out more about the Business Coalition and its vision here.
If you would like to learn more about existing Landbell Group activities promoting the circular economy, please read our Annual Performance Review 2022.
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