The Single-Use Plastics Directive aims to reduce the environmental impact of certain plastic products. Manufacturers are to be held responsible for making a significant contribution to preventing the careless disposal of their products in the environment by ensuring that their products are more environmentally friendly.
In this webinar, Dr. Johannes Justus Brinkschmidt, a long-standing specialist in the field of circular economy regulations, and Cecile Gainche, Team Leader for International Sales at Landbell Germany, will explain the content of the Single-Use Plastics Directive and outline the legal framework. In particular, the effects for distributors in Germany and the resulting obligations for manufacturers will be highlighted.
Participation in each webinar is offered for EUR 89.00, if you book three or more webinars, you will receive a discount of 25% per webinar. Our Landbell Group customers receive the webinars free of charge!
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