What’s happening with regard to chemical regulations internationally? Here are some updates we’ve prepared for you for March 2023.
Major EU enforcement projects focus on SDS in 2023
Reminder: The European Chemicals Agency’s ongoing EU-wide enforcement project REF-11 on safety data sheets (SDS) and checking the conformity with the requirements of the new Annex II of REACH enters its operational phase in 2023.
This means that REACH inspectors in all EU states will check SDS compliance throughout the year.
Please see the article by Landbell Group company, H2 Compliance here for more information on the SDS updates required as of January 2023, and please get in touch if you need to take action.
Contact us here.
Turkey adopts EU-like Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Regulation
At the end of January, Turkey adopted the national Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Regulation, which implements the Rotterdam Convention and aligns the country with the respective EU legislation.
The law governs the export and import of certain hazardous chemicals and places new duties on exporters and Turkey’s competent authority, the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change (MoEUCC).
The exporters of the chemicals listed under the PIC Regulation are required to notify the receiving country or seek explicit consent prior to the intended export.
Substances subject to the PIC procedure include industrial chemicals, pesticides, and biocides that are often severely restricted in at least some applications in the EU. Exporters will also report annually on the tonnages of their actual shipments of PIC chemicals.
Being in the EU’s Customs Union, Turkey’s chemical management laws are generally closely aligned with the European regulations.
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