What’s happening? Here is an update for April 2024:
ECHA CHEM: new database launched
PFAS: EU REACH restriction proposal
Enforcement: next projects in progress
ECHA CHEM: new database launched
ECHA CHEM is the European Chemical Agency’s (ECHA) new solution for publishing the growing amount of information on chemicals.
It allows for better handling of the growing diversity and quantity of data, while taking advantage of technological advancements.
The first version, available now, includes information from all the over 100,000 EU REACH registrations that companies have submitted to ECHA.
Later this year, the database will be expanded with the redesigned Classification and Labelling Inventory, followed by the first set of regulatory lists.
ECHA maintains the largest chemicals database in the European Union, combining data from industry and authorities.
The current Information on Chemicals Platform, launched in 2016, contains information on over 360,000 chemicals.
Find out more here.
PFAS: EU REACH restriction proposal
Throughout 2024, the European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) will evaluate the proposed restriction together with the comments from the consultation in batches, focusing on the different sectors that may be affected.
During its 2023 consultation, ECHA received an unprecedented number (over 5,600) comments. See previous COMPASS article here.
The sectors for discussion in the upcoming meetings, some of which are of particular relevance to Landbell Group customers, are:
- March 2024: consumer mixtures, cosmetics and ski wax; general approach and hazard
- June 2024: metal plating and manufacture of metal products; hazards
- September 2024: textiles, upholstery, leather, apparel, carpets (TULAC); food contact materials and packaging; petroleum and mining
The timeline for evaluating the remaining sectors and further actions will be determined as the work progresses.
Find more information on PFAS substances and the restriction proposal here.
Landbell Group company, H2 Compliance is monitoring the progress of this broad-reaching EU restriction and PFAS regulations in the US – please reach out for support here.
EU Enforcement: next projects in progress
The European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) Enforcement Forum is preparing for its next enforcement projects that could concern many Landbell Group customers, especially those that sell online.
Throughout 2025, inspectors in EU countries will check the products sold online, containing chemicals restricted under the EU REACH and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) regulations.
They will also check that mixtures are classified, labelled and packaged in line with the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation and that the correct data is presented online.
A further note for many Landbell Group customers:
The controls may also address compliance with restrictions defined in the Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) Directive.
Find more information on RoHS on Landbell Group company, H2 Compliance’s website here.
The website will also have more information on online sales support soon.
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