This is the RhineCleanUp with a Landbell Group team!
We collected a lot of cigarette butts and bottle caps (hundreds of thousands in my recollection…) but not so much other waste.
Admittedly, we were slightly disappointed that it was less than last year (strange how the human brain works…) but to find less trash thrown on the riverbanks of the Rhine is actually a nice surprise.
Globally, it’s just the opposite: rivers and the ocean are more polluted than ever. The High Ambition Coalition (HAC) for Nature and People (the latest initiative from over 100 countries to end plastic waste) just published a study showing the ever growing extent of the problem – and very interesting initiatives to fight it.
But I am convinced that the biggest impact on fighting waste will come from entrepreneurs. Amongst them, the entrepreneurs that are meeting at Europe’s first circular economy startup award – the Green Alley Award.
I am very happy that our Green Alley Award is now officially open for applications, for the 9th time.
Six finalists will pitch in Berlin on April 27th 2023, and the winner gets 25,000 euros cash. As simple as that – with a huge impact on the environment.
Here is the link to apply.
We are very excited to receive your applications!
This is from a LinkedIn post by Jan Patrick Schulz, Landbell Group’s CEO. Check out all his posts here.
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