Landbell Group’s schemes meet new collection targets in Germany
The two takeback schemes for waste portable batteries operated by Landbell Group in Germany have met their legal collection obligations in 2021.
The minimum quota set by the country’s battery law was raised by 5 percentage points compared to the previous year, 2020.
DS Entsorgungs- und Dienstleistungs- GmbH achieved a collection rate of 55.9% and was able to significantly exceed the required minimum of 50%.
One of the reasons for this success is that the scheme was able to expand the number of connected collection points by 10% compared to the previous year.
There was also a significant increase in the number of so-called voluntary collection points.
Landbell GmbH, which has only been in operation since 18th November 2021, was also able to exceed the collection obligations right away.
It is worth noting that both takeback schemes saw a significant increase in registrations from marketplace sellers (sellers on online platforms). This is probably due to the provision of the German electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) law, which will apply from 1 January 2023.
According to this law, operators of electronic marketplaces may only allow the offering of EEE if the corresponding producer is properly registered. Even if this obligation does not directly apply to batteries, increased registrations from battery sellers appear to show the growing awareness of extended producer responsibility.
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