R&D for a Circular Economy…

4 September 2024

I recently caught up with Cristian Gullino who manages the R&D activities for our colleagues at ERP Italia Servizi.

With his team he is working on advanced recycling for PV panels and textiles – to name just two of the projects currently on their desks – and he also co-facilitated the expert session on innovation initiatives for this year’s Green Alley Award.

On top, they are also involved in multidisciplinary EU-funded projects, such as AutoMat, BATMASS EU Project and RENOVATE EU.

Indeed, complex, multiple stakeholder’s projects with far-reaching goals.

These circular solutions, based on regulatory and EPR principles, help Landbell Group meet the needs of our customers for sustainable solutions.

Find out more in the slider below:

This is from a LinkedIn post by Jan Patrick Schulz, Landbell Group’s CEO. Check out all his posts here.