Reuse and recycling for textiles

8 October 2024

Today kicks off a busy week for the textiles team at Landbell Group

The team, which includes Jo Tucker, Paul Doertenbach, Pernille Filemon and Sergey Yurcha are in Belgium and the Netherlands for two events:

The #BIRInteractiveTextilesEvent organised by the Bureau of International Recycling, and Circular Textile Days.

When the Netherlands implemented an EPR decree for textiles in July 2023, they quickly set up ERP Netherlands to start the roll-out of textile solutions – ahead of the EU-wide changes in the Waste Framework Directive.

Now ERP`s substantial share of the market allows us to set the standard and drive positive change within the industry.

The next step is to support our customers globally. Consorzio ERP Italia Tessile is already doing so in Italy, and we plan to set up further PROs (Producer Responsibility Organisations) soon.

Our goal is to build a robust reverse supply chain by collaborating with producers, sorters and recyclers, transforming the textile waste stream into a sustainable system.

#textiles #epr #reuse #recycling

This is from a LinkedIn post by Jan Patrick Schulz, Landbell Group’s CEO. Check out all his posts here.